.NET ez 2011-11-29
域名系統(英文:Domain Name System,縮寫:DNS)是因特網的一項服務。它作為將域名和IP地址相互映射的一個分布式數據庫,能夠使人更方便的訪問互聯網。DNS 使用TCP和UDP端口53。當前,對於每一級域名長度的限制是63個字符,域名總長度則不能超過253個字符。
利用WMI 控制 Microsoft DNS Server,以下為範例程式:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Management; namespace DNSManager { #region Example usage code class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Connecting to the DNS Server..."); DNSServer d = new DNSServer("vex.nullify.net"); //my internal DNS Server, change to yours. //You will need to be able to get to it using WMI. Console.WriteLine("Connected to the DNS Server"); Console.Write("Creating a new zone as a test..."); try { d.CreateNewZone("testzone.uk.nullify.net.", DNSServer.NewZoneType.Primary); Console.WriteLine("OK"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create a new zone, it probably exists."); } Console.Write("Creating a DNS record as a test..."); try { d.CreateDNSRecord("testzone.uk.nullify.net.", "test1.testzone.uk.nullify.net. IN CNAME xerxes.nullify.net."); Console.WriteLine("OK"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create a new resource record, it probably exists"); } Console.WriteLine("Getting a list of domains:"); foreach (DNSServer.DNSDomain domain in d.GetListOfDomains()) { Console.WriteLine("\t"+domain.Name+" ("+domain.ZoneType+")"); //and a list of all the records in the domain:- foreach (DNSServer.DNSRecord record in d.GetRecordsForDomain(domain.Name)) { Console.WriteLine("\t\t"+record); //any domains we are primary for we could go and edit the record now! } } Console.WriteLine("Fetching existing named entry (can be really slow, read the warning):-"); DNSServer.DNSRecord[] records = d.GetExistingDNSRecords("test1.testzone.uk.nullify.net."); foreach (DNSServer.DNSRecord record in records) { Console.WriteLine("\t\t" + record); record.Target = "shodan.nullify.net."; record.SaveChanges(); } } } #endregion #region Real code /// <summary> /// A Microsoft DNS Server class that abstracts out calls to WMI for MS DNS Server /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// WMI Documentation: /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682123(VS.85).aspx /// System.Management Documentation: /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.managementobjectcollection%28VS.71%29.aspx /// </remarks> /// <c>(c) 2008 Simon Soanes, All Rights Reserved. No warranties express or implied. /// DO NOT redistribute this source code publically without a link to the origin and this copyright /// notice fully intact, also please send any modifications back to me at [email protected] /// Including in your software is fine although attribution would be nice.</c> public class DNSServer { #region Supporting classes /// <summary> /// Different types of DNS zone in MS DNS Server /// </summary> public enum ZoneType { DSIntegrated, Primary, Secondary } /// <summary> /// Different types of DNS zone in MS DNS Server /// </summary> /// <remarks>For creation of new zones the list is different</remarks> public enum NewZoneType { Primary, Secondary, /// <remarks>Server 2003+ only</remarks> Stub, /// <remarks>Server 2003+ only</remarks> Forwarder } /// <summary> /// A zone in MS DNS Server /// </summary> public class DNSDomain { /// <summary> /// Create a DNS zone /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the DNS zone</param> /// <param name="wmiObject">The object that represents it in MS DNS server</param> /// <param name="server">The DNS Server it is to be managed by</param> public DNSDomain(string name, ManagementBaseObject wmiObject, DNSServer server) { _name = name; _wmiObject = wmiObject; _server = server; } private DNSServer _server = null; private string _name = ""; /// <summary> /// The name of the DNS zone /// </summary> public string Name { get { return _name; } set { _name = value; } } /// <summary> /// The zone type /// </summary> public ZoneType ZoneType { get { //_wmiObject["ZoneType"].ToString() return (ZoneType)Convert.ToInt32(_wmiObject["ZoneType"]); } } /// <summary> /// Is this a reverse DNS zone? /// </summary> public bool ReverseZone { get { if (_wmiObject["Reverse"].ToString() == "1") { return true; } else { return false; } } } private ManagementBaseObject _wmiObject = null; /// <summary> /// Get a list of all objects at the base of this zone /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of <see cref="DNSRecord"/></returns> public DNSRecord[] GetAllRecords() { return _server.GetRecordsForDomain(_name); } /// <summary> /// Create a new DNS host record /// </summary> /// <param name="record">The record to create</param> public void CreateDNSRecord(DNSRecord record) { _server.CreateDNSRecord(_name, record.ToString()); } public override string ToString() { return _name; } } /// <summary> /// An entry in a zone /// </summary> public class DNSRecord { /// <summary> /// Create an class wrapping a DNS record /// Defaults to 1 hour TTL /// </summary> /// <param name="domain"></param> /// <param name="recordType"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> public DNSRecord(string domain, DNSRecordType recordType, string target) : this(domain, recordType, target, new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)) { } /// <summary> /// Create an class wrapping a DNS record /// </summary> /// <param name="domain"></param> /// <param name="recordType"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="ttl"></param> public DNSRecord(string domain, DNSRecordType recordType, string target, TimeSpan ttl) { _host = domain; _ttl = ttl; _target = target; _recordType = recordType; } /// <summary> /// Create an class wrapping a DNS record /// </summary> /// <param name="wmiObject"></param> public DNSRecord(ManagementObject wmiObject) { _wmiObject = wmiObject; _host = wmiObject["OwnerName"].ToString(); _target = wmiObject["RecordData"].ToString(); string[] recordParts = wmiObject["TextRepresentation"].ToString().Split(' ', '\t'); if (recordParts.Length > 2) { //the third offset is the location in the textual version of the data where the record type is. //counting from zero that is location 2 in the array. _recordType = new DNSRecordType(recordParts[2]); } _ttl = new TimeSpan(0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(wmiObject["TTL"])); } private ManagementObject _wmiObject = null; private string _target = ""; /// <summary> /// The value of the target is what is written to DNS as the value of a record /// </summary> /// <remarks>For MX records include the priority as a number with a space or tab between it and the actual target</remarks> public string Target { get { return _target; } set { _target = value; } } /// <summary> /// Save the changes to the resource record /// </summary> public void SaveChanges() { //We can call modify and if we have the method available it will work as the sub-class may have it!! //Some types DO NOT implement it or implement it differently ManagementBaseObject parameters = _wmiObject.GetMethodParameters("Modify"); bool supported = false; //This is a cludge based on the various types that are implemented by MS as they didn't stick to a simple value //To add more, please refer to if (RecordType.TextRepresentation == "A") { parameters["IPAddress"] = _target; parameters["TTL"] = _ttl.TotalSeconds; supported = true; } if (RecordType.TextRepresentation == "AAAA") { parameters["IPv6Address"] = _target; parameters["TTL"] = _ttl.TotalSeconds; supported = true; } if (RecordType.TextRepresentation == "CNAME") { parameters["PrimaryName"] = _target; parameters["TTL"] = _ttl.TotalSeconds; supported = true; } if (RecordType.TextRepresentation == "TXT") { parameters["DescriptiveText"] = _target; parameters["TTL"] = _ttl.TotalSeconds; supported = true; } if (RecordType.TextRepresentation == "MX") { string[] components = _target.Trim().Split(' ', '\t'); if (components.Length > 1) { parameters["Preference"] = Convert.ToUInt16(components[0]); //the preference is a UINT16 in MS DNS Server parameters["MailExchange"] = components[1]; //the actual host name //NOT SUPPORTED BY MX ACCORDING TO THE DOCUMENTATION!? parameters["TTL"] = _ttl; supported = true; } } Exception temporaryException = null; try { //This supports improving this classes implementation of this method and adding ManagementBaseObject lastDitchParameters = OnSaveChanges(parameters); if (lastDitchParameters != null) { parameters = lastDitchParameters; supported = true; } } catch (Exception ex) //catch all as we do not know what someone will modify OnSaveChanges() to throw or cause { if (!supported) //if we support the data type already then we don't care about exceptions as at worst case throw; else temporaryException = ex; } if (supported) { try { _wmiObject = (ManagementObject)_wmiObject.InvokeMethod("Modify", parameters, null); } catch (Exception ex) { if (temporaryException != null) { throw new ApplicationException("There were two exceptions, the primary failure"+ " was an exception that is encapsulated in this message however additionaly "+ "a virtual method that was optional to functionality also threw an exception "+ "but this was withheld till after the operation failed. Please examine the"+ " InnerException property for copy of the virtual methods exception. The "+ "virtual methods exception message was: " + temporaryException.Message+". "+ "The primary exceptions message (a "+ex.GetType().FullName.ToString()+") "+ "was: "+ex.Message, temporaryException); } else { throw; } } if (temporaryException != null) { throw new ApplicationException("A virtual method that was optional to functionality "+ "threw an exception but this was withheld till after the operation completed "+ "successfully, please examine the InnerException property for a full copy of this "+ "exception. The message was: " + temporaryException.Message, temporaryException); } } else { throw new NotSupportedException("The data type you attmpted to use ("+ RecordType.TextRepresentation+") was not supported, please implement support for"+ "it by overriding the method OnSaveChanges() and returning an array of filled WMI parameters "+ "or by updating this implementation."); } } /// <summary> /// Method to override to add additional methods to the DNS save changes support /// </summary> /// <param name="parametersIn">An array of parameters (not yet filled in if it's an /// unknown type, potentially partially filled for known types)</param> /// <returns>An array of filled in parameters, or null if the parameters are unknown</returns> public virtual ManagementBaseObject OnSaveChanges(ManagementBaseObject parametersIn) { return null; } /// <summary> /// Delete a record from DNS /// </summary> public void Delete() { _wmiObject.Delete(); //well that was easy... } private TimeSpan _ttl = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0); /// <summary> /// The time that the resolvers should cache this record for /// </summary> public TimeSpan Ttl { get { return _ttl; } set { _ttl = value; } } private DNSRecordType _recordType = null; /// <summary> /// The record type /// </summary> public DNSRecordType RecordType { get { return _recordType; } } private string _host = ""; /// <summary> /// The location in the DNS system for this record /// </summary> public string DomainHost { get { return _host; } set { _host = value; } } public override string ToString() { return _host + " " + _recordType.ToString() + " " + _target; } } /// <summary> /// The type of record in MS DNS Server /// </summary> public class DNSRecordType { /// <summary> /// Create a new DNS record type /// </summary> /// <param name="textRepresentation">The type to create</param> public DNSRecordType(string textRepresentation) { _textRepresentation = textRepresentation; } private string _textRepresentation = ""; /// <summary> /// The text representation of the record type /// </summary> public string TextRepresentation { get { return _textRepresentation.ToUpper(); } } private string _recordMode = "IN"; /// <summary> /// The mode of the record, usually IN but could oneday be something else like OUT /// </summary> public string RecordMode { get { return _recordMode; } set { _recordMode = value; } } public override string ToString() { return _recordMode+" "+_textRepresentation; } #region Some Defaults! /// <summary> /// An alias /// </summary> public static DNSRecordType CNAME { get { return new DNSRecordType("CNAME"); } } /// <summary> /// An IPv4 address /// </summary> public static DNSRecordType A { get { return new DNSRecordType("A"); } } /// <summary> /// A reverse host address inside yoursubnet.in-addr.arpa /// </summary> public static DNSRecordType PTR { get { return new DNSRecordType("PTR"); } } /// <summary> /// An MX record (mail exchange) /// </summary> public static DNSRecordType MX { get { return new DNSRecordType("MX"); } } /// <summary> /// An IPv6 host address /// </summary> public static DNSRecordType AAAA { get { return new DNSRecordType("AAAA"); } } /// <summary> /// A text record /// </summary> public static DNSRecordType TXT { get { return new DNSRecordType("TXT"); } } /// <summary> /// A nameserver record (domain delegation) /// </summary> public static DNSRecordType NS { get { return new DNSRecordType("NS"); } } /// <summary> /// An SOA record (start of authority) /// </summary> public static DNSRecordType SOA { get { return new DNSRecordType("SOA"); } } #endregion } #endregion /// <summary> /// Create a new DNS Server connection /// </summary> /// <param name="server">The hostname, IP or FQDN of a DNS server you have access to with the current credentials</param> public DNSServer(string server) { ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions(); _scope = new ManagementScope(String.Format(@"\\{0}\Root\MicrosoftDNS", server), co); _scope.Connect(); //no disconnect method appears to exist so we do not need to manage the //persistence of this connection and tidy up } /// <summary> /// Create a new DNS Server connection /// </summary> /// <param name="server">The hostname, IP or FQDN of a DNS server you have access to with the current credentials</param> /// <param name="username">The username to connect with</param> /// <param name="password">The users password</param> public DNSServer(string server, string username, string password) { ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions(); co.Username = username; co.Password = password; co.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate; _scope = new ManagementScope(String.Format(@"\\{0}\Root\MicrosoftDNS", server), co); _scope.Connect(); } private string _server = ""; /// <summary> /// The server this connection applies to /// </summary> public string Server { get { return _server; } } private ManagementScope _scope = null; /// <summary> /// Return a list of domains managed by this instance of MS DNS Server /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DNSDomain[] GetListOfDomains() { ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass(_scope, new ManagementPath("MicrosoftDNS_Zone"), null); mc.Get(); ManagementObjectCollection collection = mc.GetInstances(); List<DNSDomain> domains = new List<DNSDomain>(); foreach (ManagementObject p in collection) { domains.Add(new DNSDomain(p["ContainerName"].ToString(), p, this)); } return domains.ToArray(); } /// <summary> /// Return a list of records for a domain, note that it may include records /// that are stubs to other domains inside the zone and does not automatically /// recurse. /// </summary> /// <param name="domain">The domain to connect to</param> /// <returns></returns> public DNSRecord[] GetRecordsForDomain(string domain) { string query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord WHERE DomainName='{0}'", domain); ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(_scope, new ObjectQuery(query)); ManagementObjectCollection collection = searcher.Get(); List<DNSRecord> records = new List<DNSRecord>(); foreach (ManagementObject p in collection) { records.Add(new DNSRecord(p)); } return records.ToArray(); } /// <summary> /// Create a new DNS host record /// </summary> /// <param name="zone"></param> /// <param name="bindStyleHostEntry"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void CreateDNSRecord(string zone, string bindStyleHostEntry) { try { ManagementObject mc = new ManagementClass(_scope, new ManagementPath("MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord"), null); mc.Get(); ManagementBaseObject parameters = mc.GetMethodParameters("CreateInstanceFromTextRepresentation"); parameters["ContainerName"] = zone; parameters["DnsServerName"] = _server; parameters["TextRepresentation"] = bindStyleHostEntry; ManagementBaseObject createdEntry = mc.InvokeMethod("CreateInstanceFromTextRepresentation", parameters, null); //return createdEntry; (no reason unless you changed your mind and wanted to delete it?!) } catch (ManagementException) //the details on this exception appear useless. { throw new ApplicationException("Unable to create the record " + bindStyleHostEntry + ", please check"+ " the format and that it does not already exist."); } } /// <summary> /// Create a new DNS host record /// </summary> /// <param name="zone"></param> /// <param name="record"></param> public void CreateDNSRecord(string zone, DNSRecord record) { CreateDNSRecord(zone, record.ToString()); } /// <summary> /// Fetch DNS records for a particular name /// WARNING: This method has performance issues, iterate over the results of getting all the records for a domain instead. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Returns a collection as one hostname/entry can have multiple records but it can take longer /// than getting all the records and scanning them!</remarks> /// <param name="hostName">The name to look up</param> /// <returns></returns> public DNSRecord[] GetExistingDNSRecords(string hostName) { string query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord WHERE OwnerName='{0}'", hostName); ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(_scope, new ObjectQuery(query)); ManagementObjectCollection collection = searcher.Get(); List<DNSRecord> records = new List<DNSRecord>(); foreach (ManagementObject p in collection) { records.Add(new DNSRecord(p)); } return records.ToArray(); } /// <summary> /// Create a new zone in MS DNS Server /// </summary> /// <param name="zoneName">The zone to create</param> /// <param name="zoneType">The type of zone to create</param> /// <returns>The domain</returns> public DNSDomain CreateNewZone(string zoneName, NewZoneType zoneType) { try { ManagementObject mc = new ManagementClass(_scope, new ManagementPath("MicrosoftDNS_Zone"), null); mc.Get(); ManagementBaseObject parameters = mc.GetMethodParameters("CreateZone"); /* [in] string ZoneName, [in] uint32 ZoneType, [in] boolean DsIntegrated, (will always be false for us, if you need AD integration you will need to change this. [in, optional] string DataFileName, [in, optional] string IpAddr[], [in, optional] string AdminEmailName, */ parameters["ZoneName"] = zoneName; parameters["ZoneType"] = (UInt32)zoneType; parameters["DsIntegrated"] = 0; //false ManagementBaseObject createdEntry = mc.InvokeMethod("CreateZone", parameters, null); DNSDomain d = new DNSDomain(zoneName, createdEntry, this); return d; } catch (ManagementException) //returns generic error when it already exists, I'm guessing this is a generic answer! { throw new ApplicationException("Unable to create the zone "+zoneName+", please check "+ "the format of the name and that it does not already exist."); } } public override string ToString() { return _server; } } #endregion }
標籤: .NET