Mailto encoder Prevent spambots from getting your email, encode all the addresses you publish on your site!
Email Address Encoder Junk email (a.k.a. spam) is a part of everyone's life if they ever put their email address on the web. For HTML authors, site admins, and for people who want a little credit on the page that they put online, it is a constant problem. You want to include your email address on the page, but you don't want your email address to be harvested by spambots.
Email Address Encoder This form will allow you to encode your e-mail address through the use of Character Entities, transforming your ascii email address into its equivalent decimal entity. Simply enter your regular e-mail address in the first text box, click the encode button, and then highlight and copy the resulting code produced in the second text box. This encoded e-mail address can be read and translated back into its original ascii text by almost any web browser without any further action on your part. Just replace all instances of your e-mail address on your pages with the code, and you won't have to worry (too much) about spam lists.
利用線上工具將字串轉換為 Html Encode 或 Html Decode,方便HTML字串處理,不需要再另外寫程式處理。
將 Html 進行 壓縮、優化、縮減,並且保持 Html 正常顯示,直接在網頁進行操作,不用下載軟體。
利用線上工具快速產生QR Code,支援文字轉為QR Code,網址轉為QR Code,WIFI無線分享器轉為QR Code:店家必備,掃描用戶馬上可上網,電話號碼轉為QR Code:方便用戶直接撥號給店家,SMS電話簡訊轉為QR Code:方便用戶直接傳送簡訊給店家。
相機的畫素提高,照片尺寸也隨著增大,透過無損壓縮,除了可以保持影像品質、減少儲存空間,更能節省主機頻寬流量,對於訪客的瀏覽速度更是大大提升。快來試試看 ez2o 開發的 Optimize Images,結合了 Google 推薦的各大優化軟體,讓您透過簡單的拖曳方式,就能將圖片進行優化。
將 JS 進行 壓縮、優化、縮減,並且保持 JS 正常顯示,直接在網頁進行操作,不用下載軟體。